Reading Challenge
The 2025 Reading Challenge is underway!
Read at least 30 books from the prompts below!
A book that spans decades
A book with a flower in the title
That has a three word title
A novella or short story
An adventure novel
A book that was made into a movie
A Victorian romance
A coming of age story
A book published in the 90's
A book about the great outdoors
A book with a sea creature on the cover
Suggested by GoodReads or other site
A book that is over 500 pages
A book about friendship
Recommended by a librarian
A book with a purple title
A book in the 800's
A banned book
A YA book
A book with a dog on the cover
Own voices author
An opposing viewpoint from your own
A book that begins with the letter R
A book set in the future
A book set in the state you were born
A graphic novel or manga
A book you loved as a child
Foodie fiction
A classic
Something on your TBR list
A book with mythical creatures in it
Something funny
About a road trip or a long voyage
Enemies to lovers romance
A book set in the roaring 20's
Bonus Challenge - Attend five library programs:
By completing this challenge you will be given an additional entry into the grand prize drawing for the 2025 Reading Challenge!
Need a log? Get one here: