
The Grantsville Library first opened to the public in April of 1959 in what was known as the Broadwater Store and remained there until 1967, when the County Commissioners purchased the Liberty Trust Building on Main St. and designated it as the library. For the next 37 years the library served its patrons form that location, until the new building at 102 Parkview Drive was completed in January of 2004.
The library offers books, magazines, videos, DVDs, books on tape and on CD, wireless internet, online databases, ten public computers with Internet access and word processing software, and a meeting room. A teen section offers Wii and PS2 systems and weekly story times are scheduled for children. During July of each year the library runs the popular Summer Reading Club series.
Mon: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri: 11:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm