Meeting Spaces Policy
Policy #106 Statement (approved by Board of Trustees 11/19/2021):
Policy Statement:
To regulate the use of Library rooms and spaces by third parties, the Board has adopted the following regulations:
Meeting Rooms:
- Meeting spaces at the Ruth Enlow Library are open to groups and individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, and charitable activities.
- Smoking is not permitted in any library building. Non-alcoholic light refreshments may be served if the room is left in a clean and orderly condition.
- At least one person over the age of 18 in an organizational capacity must be present at all gatherings in a Meeting Room.
- Groups must schedule the use of Meeting Rooms by contacting the library staff.
- No selling is allowed except with permission of the Library Director.
- The number of people allowed to use a meeting space may not exceed the maximum capacity of the area.
- All meeting spaces shall be left in a neat and orderly condition.
- Groups and organizations may not use the library mailing address as their official address.
- Groups are permitted to reserve meeting rooms on a continuing basis (i.e. every Friday morning or the second Tuesday of every month). The space can be booked for continuing programs for a maximum of three months at a time. The group can then book space for another three months, if available.
- Library sponsored programs have first priority in the scheduling and use of meeting space followed by non-profit groups, and then other groups. Individuals may use a meeting room if no group has reserved it.
- Any individual using a meeting space must vacate before the time of the next scheduled meeting. Failure to do so will jeopardize future bookings.
- Use of meeting space is limited to normal library operating hours.
- The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meeting space users.
- A person’s right to use meeting space shall not be denied or abridged because of origin, background, views or any other protected class.
- Use of meeting spaces will be automatically canceled when the library must be closed for inclement weather or emergency situations.
- Individuals or groups who decide to cancel meetings must notify the library 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so may jeopardize future bookings.
- Pre-approval is required for the use of electronic equipment in meeting spaces.
Study Rooms:
- Unattended children under the age of 13 are not permitted in Study Rooms.
- People or groups may sign up for the use of Study Rooms at the front desk.
- A 2-hour limit will be enforced for study room use when others are waiting.
- Only same-day reservations for the Study Rooms may be made, on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Members of groups using a Study Room during library hours of operation must not disturb library customers.
- No more than three people are permitted in the small Study Room, or five people in the large.
- The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
The Ruth Enlow Library cannot assume responsibility for private property used on library premises. Although private property can be used, it shall be at the owner’s risk. Any damages to library premises, furniture, equipment, etc., as a result of group or individual use will be paid based upon current replacement costs, by said group or individual. Groups or individuals will be denied use of the meeting room until payment is received. Organizations and their employees, agents, invitees and members shall hold the Ruth Enlow Library and Garrett County, Maryland, their officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all liability arising from injury to persons or damage to personal property in or about library premises resulting from use of the premises.