The Friendsville Library is currently located in temporary quarters at the Friendsville Senior Center at its normal hours.

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The Ruth Enlow Library gladly accepts the efforts of enthusiastic and reliable volunteer workers and proudly offers service learning hours to students.


  1. All volunteers must be capable of working in a public service environment.
  2. Volunteers are asked to fill out a volunteer application, will be evaluated for suitability, and will adhere to a prearranged schedule.
  3. The volunteer's supervisor will track hours on a designated sign-in sheet.
  4. All service volunteers perform tasks for the Ruth Enlow Library System without wages, benefits, or compensation of any kind.
  5. Service volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the library and shall be guided by the same work and behavior codes as employees.
  6. Minor children, ages 14 and up, may work as volunteers with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
  7. Volunteer service may be terminated at any time by the volunteer’s supervisor.
  8. The Library will not provide hours for court-ordered community service.