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Friends of the Library

friends of the library logo, photos of classics buttons pins, winter scene background
friends of the library logo, photos of summer reading club events, winter scene background
friends of the library logo, photos from summer reading club programs , winter scene background

The Friends of the Ruth Enlow Library is a group organized to bring together fellow citizens who value their public library. The Friends work for a better library for the community and speak up for good library service whenever and wherever their efforts are needed.  The Friends pursue this mission through education, advocacy, and fundraising. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at the Main Library at 5:30 PM - guests and new prospective members are always welcome. Check our calendar for details about the next meeting.

Use this link to make your donation today!

President:  Maxine Shindel

Vice-President:  Bonnie Winters

Secretary:  Jessica Josephson

Treasurer: Brian Boal

Contact Information: 

Friends of the Ruth Enlow Library
PO Box 301
Oakland, MD 21550
