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Gale Presents: Udemy

Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and more. Includes 10,000+ on-demand video courses in multiple languages.

Visit this video tutorial to find out how you can use Udemy. 

Gale In Context: High School

Gale In Context: High School is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects. The solution merges Gale's authoritative and continuously updated reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.

Gale In Context: Elementary

Gale In Context: Elementary (formerly  Kids InfoBits) is the perfect educational product for today's young learners. It's a content-rich, authoritative, easy-to-use resource featuring age-appropriate content covering a broad range of educational topics. It features a modern, graphical interface, great new content from trusted sources, more intuitive navigation, improved resources, and much more.

Gale Academic OneFile Select

Gale Academic OneFile Select provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers across disciplines. The database meets research needs in subject areas including the arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and technology.

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete

Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete provides access to academic journals, reports, and many premier reference sources in the field of education. The database includes content in key subject areas including administration, bilingual education, child development and psychology, funding, health education, technology, and testing.

Gale Books & Authors

Gale Books & Authors offers new ways to explore the endless possibilities and combinations of books, authors, genres and topics. Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike, award winner and librarian's favorites lists, Books & Authors helps bring readers and literature together. Through the use of expertly written and arranged content and a dynamic, cutting edge user interface, Books & Authors makes exploration of genre fiction and essential non-fiction fun! By leveraging our entire award-winning What Do I Read Next?

Mango Languages

Mango Languages creates engaging language-learning experiences for individuals, libraries, schools, corporations, and government agencies across the continent and around the globe.

Casual, cultural, and conversational learning

Speak like a local in 70+ languages with practical, conversation-based language lessons for web, iOS, and Android. Learn Spanish, French, German, and more — download the free Mango app to get started. is a comprehensive early learning site for children ages 2 through 6+, covering reading and language arts, math, science, social studies, art, and music. It is completely child-safe, with no advertising or links to other websites.


Free,  live,  online  academic  and  job  assistance  for  veterans  transitioning  to  civilian  life.

Resources include:

  • Resume Review
  • Job interview coaching
  • Standardized test practice
  • Live academic tutoring


Features the content of The World Book Encyclopedia, plus 16 additional databases, which include an online atlas, Spanish-language encyclopedia, teacher resources, World Book Kids, images and sounds, current events, and an online version of the World Book Dictionary.


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